- Avoid direct exposure to sun or tanning beds for 7 days prior
- Avoid getting skin treatments at least two weeks prior to your session; these includes microdermabrasion and any type of professional or home exfoliation, Botox and Fillers
- If you are using any retinoid products such as Retin-A or Differin, it is recommended to stop using them as least one week prior to your treatment
- Avoid using exfoliating products. This includes scrubs, glycolic acid, salicylic acid or other chemical peels for at least one week prior lo your treatment
- Avoid waxing or threading at least two weeks prior to your treatment
- If you are laking antibiotics: make sure you have taken your last dose at least 7 days prior to your laser treatment
- Female patients should not wear any makeup/mascara (if possible), lotions, powders, or perfumes on or around the areas being treated
- Male patients can shave the morning of their treatment day but should not apply lotions or aftershave on or around the areas being treated
- Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water before the treatment can help keep your skin hydrated, which can improve the result of the treatments
- Avoid alcohol and smoking 24 hours before your treatments
- Pregnancy
- Nursing
- Use of photosensitizing medications
- History of Keloid scarring
- Recent sun exposure
- Diabetes
- Active Skin infections
- Connective tissue disease
- History of Skin Cancer